I have started a semi-autobiographical novel, dealing with my experiences at KMI  (1945-49) through ROTC at Harvard and my two years with the Air Force in Germany.
The draft forward and part of the first chapter is attached. I would like to have any KMI alumni who have stories and/or pictures they might like included to contact me. If I use them, they will be credited and get to vote on which three charities will receive 50% of the net proceeds. Also, if interested, they can order the book upon publication at half off the retail price.
Since you probably maintain the largest contact list of former KMIers, I would appreciate your forwarding this message or advising me how best to get the word out.
Jay Hearst,  KMI '49

A Semi-Autobiographical Novel
Jay Hearst
(The draft forward and part of the first chapter)

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