1960 Edition provided by Hank Geary, KMI '62

1. The Kentucky Military Institute is essentially a military school, and the school authorities promise parents (or guardians) of cadets strict supervision over their sons (or wards) entrusted to their care. Such supervision will be complete insofar as possible. Cadets, who by temperament or otherwise are not suited to such control, should request consent of their parents to withdraw.

2. Cadets will remain on the school campus except at such designated periods when they will be allowed to go on leave, as provided in these regulations.

3. Four principles underlie all cadet duties, viz..: honesty, cleanliness, punctuality, and thoroughness. Cadets will apply these principles constantly.

( a ) Honesty: The 'cadet in his life at K. M. I. will measure his actions by a standard of honor which will make him true to himself, to his duty and to his fellow cadets in the broadest and best sense; he must realize that it is not fair to any cadet to allow him to fail in his duty and by so doing build up habits of carelessness and disrespect for law. Similarly, with regard to himself, he must feel that evading punishment or securing anything to which he is not clearly entitled cannot compensate for a lowered standard of honor.

( b ) Cleanliness: The cadet will be clean in the most exacting sense of the word. His hair must be short, face clean shaven, and his body and clothing meticulously clean at all times. His equipment, furniture, room and every article and place for which he is responsible will be kept clean and tidy. Articles which can be shined will be so kept.

(c) Punctuality: Each cadet will be punctual at every duty and appointment, whether he is summoned by a general call or obliged to watch the time for himself, or otherwise.
(d) Thoroughness: In performance of duty, military or academic, cadets will fully inform themselves as to their duty and be thorough and painstaking, carrying such duty to completion at the time prescribed.
4. Only the President, the Commandant of Cadets, the School Surgeon, or the officer in charge, may excuse a cadet from any duty.

5. Cadets will be reported absent from any formation when not in ranks before the cadet calling the roll makes his report. This report will be made immediately upon completion of roll call.

6. Cadets will be reported absent from any duty or skipping duty when they do not join before its completion. Cadets will be reported late at a formation when not in their exact and proper places at the last note of assembly, but join before they are due to be reported absent.

7. Unless expressly so stated, no privileges granted to cadets will excuse them from any duty confinement or punishment.

8. Cadets directed to report at any office, or to any instructor, or at the guard room, will do so at the first opportunity when no duty will be interfered with; if a cadet is in conference with any officer and has any duty or formation, he will inform the officer of that fact in time to be present at the duty or formation.
9. Cadets will be called to attention by the Senior cadet present for roll call at the last note of assembly, and, also, when the instructor enters the class room after assembly has sounded. When recall is sounded, the Section Leader will rise and take a position near the classroom door. When the instructor dismisses the section, he will command (1) "Rise," (2) "March Out."

10. Cadets will bring to the recitation room lead pencils and such books and equipment as directed.

11. Cadets will be permitted to leave the classroom only when authorized by the instructor. Such cadets will be reported by the instructor for leaving classroom by permission for minutes.

12. A cadet will be excused from academic recitation only by the Surgeon on account of sickness or physical disability, by the President or Commandant on account of emergencies interfering with his regular study hour, or for certain necessary guard duty.

13. The three ranking cadets of each section will carry a copy of the roll with them so that they can act as section leader without advance notice.

14. Cadets will not lounge in seats of classrooms. Respectful conduct and proper military courtesy will be accorded members of the academic faculty at all times.

15. All cadets will be punctilious in the use of the word "Sir" when addressing an instructor.

16. Cadets will always present a neat appearance in the classroom. Ties will be kept fastened and sleeves rolled down.

17. Cadets will be considered late to class if not in their designated seats at the last note of assembly.

18. The section leader, after calling the roll, will report absentees to the instructor and prepare a written list of absentees and lates for the officer of the day.

19. In case an instructor is absent from the classroom on arrival of the class, and does not arrive within ten minutes, the section leader will report to the Headmaster for instructions.


20. Under no circumstances will any cadet have in his possession any automobile, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle. Unless accompanied by parents or guardians, cadets will not drive any motor vehicle.


21. Cadets are required to inform themselves daily in regard to all matters published on the official bulletin boards.


22. Cadets will wear their hair short and be cleanshaven at all times.

23. Cadets may visit the school barber at any time provided that it does not interfere with any duty, and they sign off at the guard room. Cadets having vacant recitation periods may visit the barber at the rate of 3 cadets to each barber-one cadet being in the barber chair and the others waiting. During recitation periods a member of the guard will make frequent inspections of the barber shop to see that the provisions of this paragraph are being complied with.


24. All cadet officers are responsible for the enforcement of regulations and orders, the maintenance of discipline, and the instruction of cadets placed under them. Cadet officers are not authorized to grant permissions during Call to Quarters or during vacant class periods.

25. The responsibility of the cadet officer is not lessened because a cadet senior to him is present or because another cadet on duty is present, such as a member of the guard or stoop inspector. It is the duty of every cadet officer, of whatever grade, to support the authority of others and to assert his own authority whenever a breach of discipline makes it necessary at any time, in any place, and under all circumstances. If he expects to be a leader, he must not be afraid to require obedience from any cadet under him and to report any such cadet for a breach of regulations.

26. The senior cadet officer quartered in each barracks is responsible for the interior discipline and police of the barracks. He will be assisted by the stoop inspectors (commissioned officers) and non-commissioned officers who are assigned supervision over subdivisions of the stoops.

Stoop Inspectors

27. The stoop inspector is responsible for the police and general good order of his stoop, including the porch in front of rooms. He will stop any noise, scuffling, disorderly or improper conduct, which occur in any part of his stoop; if the irregularity is important enough, he will make an immediate report of it to the Officer in Charge.

28. At police inspection he will accompany the inspecting officer and record the reports and turn same in to the Officer of the Day immediately after completion of inspection.

29. He will report any cadet who sweeps or throws trash in front of another cadet's room.

30. Immediately after assembly for evening call to quarters, and immediately after taps, he will go to each room on his stoop and make sure, either by report "right,"or by personal inspection that all are present. After taps he will make sure that all are present and the lights out unless there is authority for the occupants to be out of bed. After each of these inspections he will prepare a written list of absentees and lates, which will be turned in to guard room.

Assistant Stoop Inspectors

31. The non-commissioned officers assigned subdivisions of stoop will assist the stoop inspector in maintaining order.


32. The current list of calls for all formations and classes will be published in orders and kept posted in the guard room.

33. An interval of at least five minutes will be permitted between the sounding of "first call" and "assembly" at routine formations.

34. Blowing the bugle in the vicinity of barracks is prohibited except by the bugler of the guard for official calls.

35. At the signal of call to quarters cadets shall at once go to their rooms unless required for duty elsewhere. The 5:30 p. m. call to quarters in Kentucky on week days is simply a warning to indicate 30 minutes before the evening meal. The 5:30 p. m. on Sundays is the regular call to quarters and all cadets will go to their rooms before assembly sounds. The 5:30 call to quarters on Sunday also indicates the end of the visiting hour. Cadets will be considered late call to quarters if they are not inside their rooms with doors closed at the first note of assembly.
36. All cadets will salute all officers of the faculty, the officer of the day on meeting, passing, and reporting.

37. Salute shall be rendered as prescribed in the training regulations-in a smart and soldierly manner.

38. When reporting to an officer a cadet shall knock on door, enter office, salute and report in the prescribed manner. (Example): When ordered to come in, march to within two paces of the desk and halt, salute, and report your presence as follows: "Sir, Cadet (Jones) reports his presence." Upon leaving an office a cadet shall salute, face in a military manner toward the door and leave promptly.

39. When an officer enters the room of a cadet, or when cadets are congregated in a room, they shall rise and stand at attention.


40. Any cadet who feels himself wronged by an officer or another cadet may state his case in writing to the President of the Kentucky Military Institute.

41. All combinations or joint actions of cadets for the purpose of violating or evading regulations, orders, or instructions, issued by competent authority or for the purpose of expressing disapprobation or censure of any person connected with the school, are prohibited.


42. The following are the limits of the campus until 7p.m.
(a) North-line running east with the fence behind Fowler Hall. 
(b) East-the road behind Barracks No. 2.
(c) South-Lyndon-Anchorage Road.
(d) West-a line running north and south with the fence at the lower end of the athletic field.

42-A. The following are the limits of the campus after 9 p. M.
( a ) North-line running east and parallel with the rear of Fowler Hall.
( b ) East-the road behind Barracks No. 2.
( c ) South-line parallel with the inner front gate from the hedge beyond the tennis courts, and extending to the end of the athletic field.
( d ) West-a line running north and south with the fence at the lower end of the athletic field.


43. The following are the limits of the campus:
( a ) North-School property in rear of San Marco.
( b ) East-Tamiami Trail.
( c ) West-Beach.
( d ) South-Miami Avenue.
The following places on the campus are off-bounds:
( a ) Kitchen.
( b ) Dining room, except during meals.
( c ) Fowler Hall, except for regular assigned occupants.
( d ) Guard House, except for members of the guard.
( e ) A cadet's room in the absence of occupants.
( f ) The attic in Ormsby Hall.
(g) Second and third floors of Venice Hotel, except regular assigned occupants.
(h) Second and third floors annex, except regular assigned occupants.
( i ) First, second and third floors Gregg Hall, except regular assigned occupants.
( j ) Hospital, except cadets confined to their beds by doctor's orders.
(k) All school offices, except on official business.

44.Conduct at the dance must be that of a gentleman.

All cadets attending a dance at K.M.I. are required to report off at the guard room. They will then proceed to Ormsby Hall, where they will meet their dates.
No cadet is permitted to invite a young lady to a dance until he has first turned in her name to school office, from which an invitation will be sent. Each young lady attending the dance must present her invitation at the door.

Cadets will be permitted to leave the dance hall from time to time throughout the dance, but must confine themselves to the walk leading from the east door of the gymnasium to Ormsby Hall and the Dug-Out. During intermission cadets may "walk their dates" on the walk from the east end of the gymnasium to the west entrance of the Dug-Out and, in addition, may walk around the circle in front of Ormsby Hall. At no time during the dance or intermission are cadets allowed to enter automobiles for any purpose.

Any cadet who is found off limits, as specified above, is subject to demerits; will not be allowed to attend another dance throughout the school year; and will be confined to quarters immediately following Vesper Services until dinner formation for four consecutive Sundays. Any young lady who fails to keep within the prescribed limits, as mentioned above, will not be permitted to attend K.M.I. dances for the balance of the school year, nor will she be permitted to have dates on the campus following the Vesper Services on Sunday afternoons.

Immediately after allowing the young ladies to remove their coats upon entering the dance hall, all cadets should introduce their ladies to all of the chaperones or hostesses. When a receiving line is formed all cadets and their dates should greet everyone in the line. Upon reaching the head of the line the cadet should introduce his lady to the first person in the line, saying, "Colonel Richmond, may I introduce Miss ," and then give his own name, "Cadet ." This is a courtesy governed by social custom. If your parents are here and you are attending the dance ask them to join you and see that they meet those in the receiving line.


45. A delinquency report is a report entered against a cadet for failure (or neglect) of duty, or for violation of the regulations. Such reports shall, as far as practicable, be confined to a simple and plain recital of facts. Time and place are important factors.

46. Delinquency reports will be entered on proper form by cadets only in their official capacity. Spite reports are prohibited and cadets entering such reports will be punished for "assumption of authority."

47. A cadet reported for violation of regulations shall not hold conversation with the reporting officer unless permission has been obtained from the cadet's tactical officer or the Commandant.

48. A cadet once having entered a report may not withdraw it without permission from the Officer in Charge.
49. Demerits are a means of rating cadets in conduct. They will be awarded for every report which is not marked satisfactory or removed.


50. Reports will be answered by companies to the tactical officers. The ranking cadet, on each company delinquency report, will obtain the company report sheet from the office, and will be held responsible for the group.

51. An explanation will consist of a straightforward, clear, and complete recital of facts. It will not contain criticism, complaint, argument, or any irrelevant remark, or quibbling or denial of a report when a matter of opinion is involved.

52. If any explanation places responsibility on another cadet, he will be named.

53. Cadets receiving explanations or other papers for endorsement shall return the same properly endorsed to the Commandant's office the same day they receive them.

54. In answering a report, if a cadet wishes to discuss the report with the reporting officers and request its removal, the tactical officer will issue the cadet a removal slip.

55. The removal slip will be filled out neatly, giving the date, name, company, name of the reporting officer, the report, the number of the report sheet it appeared on, and a concise written explanation of the report. The removal slip shall be taken to the reporting officer who shall use his discretion in recommending that the report be removed, or not removed, and will sign the removal slip accordingly.

56. The removal slip shall be turned in to the tactical officer at the call for explanation of reports the following day. Removal slips will not be honored unless they are turned in promptly.


57. Cadets absent from any formation on account of attendance at some other duty, will, upon completion of the latter duty, join their proper command regardless of the length of time remaining.

58. Duty Rosters will be kept in accordance with the rule "The longest off-duty is the next due." Cadets will not exchange any duty assigned by roster except on written application provided by the Commandant.

59. Cadets will always stand at attention when addressing or being addressed by a faculty officer.

60. Cadets will not gamble in any way for stakes, however small. Card playing is prohibited except in the lounge of Ormsby Hall, Senior Room, and in the Lobby of the Venice.

61. Every cadet must scrupulously respect the property of others. The borrowing or lending of equipment, uniforms, wearing apparel, or other articles or property, public or private, is prohibited.

62. No cadet will visit another cadet's room in the absence of all occupants, except in an official capacity. Cadet officers will report such violators for "off-limits" in Room No. , when all occupants. are absent.

63. All cadets reporting to the Officer of the Day will do so in person and will go to the guard room to make the report. Cadets reporting departure from the school grounds will sign off in the guard room immediately before they depart and will report immediately after their arrival on the school grounds before going to their rooms.

64. Trash baskets are placed in cadets' rooms. Cadets will use these receptacles for depositing trash and will not throw or sweep trash or dirt on the stoops or on the formation court.

65. The shooting of rifles or other firearms on or near the grounds is prohibited.

66. Cadets shall not have in their possession or in their quarters ammunition of any kind.

67. Hitch hiking or asking for rides is forbidden.

68. Cadets shall not engage in personal encounters without permission of a faculty officer, who will witness the fight and insist on fair play.

69. Cadets may be dismissed or less severely punished for calling to personal account another cadet for having, while in the execution of official duty, corrected or reported the offending cadet.

70. No cadet shall have in his possession firearms of any description, except such as may be officially issued to him.

71. The use of profane, impure, or improper language is prohibited.

72. Any cadet who shall, when absent from the school, commit any act reflecting on the good name of the Corps of cadets may be punished as if the act had been committed on the campus.

73. Cadets will not run on the stoops of the barracks or in the halls of the academic building.

74. Throwing on the formation court or vicinity of buildings at any time is prohibited.

75. Screens in windows in cadet quarters, or in classrooms, will not be unfastened, removed, or damaged in any way.

76. Ignorance of regulations and orders will not be accepted as an excuse for misconduct.


77. The guard will consist of one Officer in Charge, one Cadet Officer of the Day, one Commander of the Guard, Sergeant of the Guard, and one Private of the Guard, and such other cadets as the Commandant of Cadets may deem _necessary and proper.

78. It should be understood by all, that cadets on guard duty are on their honor to perform all the duties of their office faithfully. Cadets on guard are expected to conduct themselves in a dignified manner and present a soldierly appearance at all times.


79. An Officer in Charge shall be detailed from the Corps of Instructors. He shall have general supervision of the routine during his tour of duty, shall direct the Cadet Officer of the Day in the performance of his duties, shall make such inspections of quarters and buildings as the President or Commandant may direct or as in his judgment may seem necessary, shall take prompt measures to check all irregularities, abuses, or violations of regulations or orders that may come to his knowledge and shall consider himself responsible for the proper carrying out of the daily routine.

80. Officer of the Day:

( a ) The Officer of the Day shall be vigilant in the discharge of his duties and shall require the utmost respect from all cadets.
( b ) The Officer of the Day will require all cadets rigidly to observe military courtesy in addressing him. Cadets in addressing the Officer of the Day or Commander of the Guard, shall use the forms "Mr. Officer of the Day (or Commander of the Guard); Sir ," etc.. Familiar names or terms shall not be used.
( c ) The duties of the Officer of the Day shall never be delegated to any other person without special authority of the Commandant.
( d ) The Officer of the Day is responsible that all calls are sounded at the proper times. He shall never delegate this responsibility to another.
( e ) The Officer of the Day shall be present at and receive the reports of all roll calls. He shall check lates at all formations and report Detachment Commanders when such lates are not reported.
(f) Immediately after his last inspection the Officer of the Day shall furnish the Officer in charge with a list of all authorized absentees. Should no cadets be absent, he will report accordingly to the Officer in Charge.
(g) Should the Officer of the Day find that a cadet is absent without leave, he shall immediately report the fact to the Commandant and to the Officer in Charge, and thereafter shall inspect the room of the absent cadet every fifteen minutes until the absent cadet's return.
(h) The Officer of the Day is responsible that punishment is properly served by cadets whose names are on the punishment list. He shall also see that proper credit be given.
(i) The Officer of the Day is on honor to perform his duty at all times and under all circumstances. This should be fully understood by all cadets.
( j ) The Officer of the Day is required to report all irregularities, neglects, breaches of discipline, or other acts inconsistent with the provisions of these regulations or with the soldiery or moral character of cadets which may come to his notice.
( k ) The Officer of the Day shall see that all absentees report to duty at once unless excused by proper authority.
(1) The Officer of the Day shall not permit cadets other than those on guard to enter the guard room.
(m) The Officer of the Day shall not visit in quarters with other cadets unofficially during the tour of duty.
(n) The Officer of the Day is responsible for proper enforcement of regulations governing vacant class periods.
(o) Cadets transacting business with the Officer of the Day or any member of the guard shall do so in a business like and soldierly manner. They shall stand at attention and salute at the beginning and at the end of the conversation.

81. The members of the Guard are required to remain in or in the vicinity of the guard room at all times.


82. The Commander of the Guard will assist the Officer of the Day in the performance of his duties. The Commander of the Guard shall prepare and keep in duplicate all delinquency reports in alphabetical order. The Commander of the Guard will not visit unofficially in the rooms of the other cadets during his tour of duty.


83. The Private of the Guard will remain in the Guard Room except when sent on duty elsewhere. He will show all visitors into the reception rooms. The Private of the Guard is responsible for the police of the Guard Room. Under no circumstances shall the Private of the Guard enter reports, handle permits, report cadets on or off or have anything to do with the duties of the Officer of the Day or the Commander of the Guard. The Private of the. Guard will be relieved from duty at Taps.


84. This famous instrument of cadet government has had a prominent part in building character at the Kentucky Military Institute. Remember the K.M.I. Motto, "Character makes the Man."

85. The Honor System obligates cadets to tell the truth in all official statements to faculty officers, cadet officers, non-commissioned officers, and other cadets while on duty. It forbids the dishonorable furnishing, gaining or using of information in class or on an examination.

86. The Honor System is binding on everyone, old and new; cadets are bound to report any violation of it they observe or suspect; otherwise they become violators.

87. It is not telling on another cadet; it is considered a sacred duty, and keeps the Corps free of the thief, the liar, and the cheat.

88. A Student Council is elected to administrate the Honor System.


89. Cadets who shall drink or be found under the influence of alcoholic beverages, or bring or cause same to be brought within cadets' limits or otherwise in their possession, shall be expelled from the Kentucky Military Institute or less severely punished.


90. Application for leave will show: extent of leave desired, setting hour beginning and end, purpose of leave, detailed statement of duties missed. In case no duties will be missed, a statement to that effect will be made; a statement that no undue advantage will be taken of the leave, if granted.

91. Any cadet who finds it impossible to return before the expiration of his leave of absence should telegraph or write for an extension. Any cadet who fails to do this and is late in reporting his return will be subject to punishment unless he submits a surgeon's certificate showing that he was unable to return at the appointed time.

92. Cadets taking advantages of a leave or absence will report their departure and return to the guard room.


93. Week-end leaves will be granted only to cadets for the purpose of spending the time with cadets' parents or close relatives of mature age.

94. Under no condition will cadets taking week-end leaves be permitted to have other cadets accompany them.

85. Week-end Leave (Oct. 20-Christmas) - Cadets who live within a reasonable distance from the school are authorized to make application for one week-end, from after drill on Saturday until the following Monday at 7:00 P. M.-provided:

( a ) Parents have submitted, in writing, request for the leave to the office by Thursday before the desired week-end leave. Telephone calls and telegrams are not acceptable.
(b) Cadet has satisfactory conduct record. 8 merits.
(c) Cadet has passed all academic work during the previous month.
(d) Cadet's room is thoroughly clean and ready for inspection.
(e) Cadet has dependable transportation, sufficient funds for trip, and no duties or punishments to serve.


96. Cadets are permitted one week-end leave during the winter term in Florida, provided all requirements have been complied with.

97. Applications for week-end leaves must be on regular forms and reach the Commandant's office by 7 p. m. ~ on Thursday.

98. No week-end leaves will be granted after spring vacation.

99. Cadets who do not take advantage of their week-end privilege of the fall term will be permitted to leave one day early at Christmas vacation. Cadets who do not take advantage of their week-end leave in Florida will be permitted to return one day late at Spring Vacation.


100. Cadets are required to write a letter to their parents (or guardians) each Sunday night. These letters will be collected by the stoop inspectors and turned in to the Officer of the Day.


101. The library will be open from 8 a. m. until 2:30 p. m. and from 7:30 p. m. until 8 p. m. Cadets who wish to visit the library during their vacant study period or vacant military period will secure a library permit from the guard house or from any classroom and will have the permit signed by the instructor for whom he is going to prepare the assignment in the library. Cadets in the vacant period supervised study hall will report off to and have his permit signed by the instructor in charge of the study hall. The permit will be presented to the librarian upon arrival at the library and will be signed by her upon leaving. The cadet will then return the library permit to the instructor in charge of the study hall. Cadets who study in their rooms during vacant periods will follow the same procedure as described above except that they will report off at the guard house and report on there upon leaving the library.

102. No book or magazine shall be taken from the library except when issued by the librarian.

103. Notice to cadets that books are overdue or are to be returned have the force of orders. Books will be returned to the library within the time limit.


104. Lights will not be kept burning while the occupants of room are absent. On nights of study lights will in general be put out at taps.

105. For the purpose of retiring, cadets returning from leave after taps shall be allowed a light for ten minutes after reporting on bounds.

106. Interfering or tampering with any part of lighting system is prohibited.

107. Electric appliances or fixtures of any kind, not supplied by the school, are prohibited, unless special permission to have them be obtained from the President.


108. Any cadet, who has lost an article, will notify the Adjutant, furnishing identifying marks . The Adjutant will publish notice for lost articles on the bulletin board.

109. The inspections for lost articles will be made by members of the Student Council.

110. Lost articles, when found, will be turned in to the Officer of the Day at the guard room. A list of lost articles turned in with identifying marks will be published by the Adjutant with instructions for the owners to call for them. Officers of the Day, on going off duty, will turn in to the business office all lost articles which have not been called for.


111. All articles of clothing or property may be marked with the issued stamp, regardless of the fact that they have been previously marked with name tapes or other types of marking devices.

The following articles may be marked at the exact place indicated below:

BOOKS - Inside of front cover page at top, and on page 52.
CAP - Inside of hat band, and underneath visor.
BLOUSE - On tag inside pocket and on lining of right sleeve one inch from end.
SERVICE TROUSERS -  Woolen Inside right waistband justabove watch pocket.
SERVICE TROUSERS -  Cotton Inside right waistband just above watch pocket.
DRESS TROUSERS -  Inside right waistband on back of watch pocket.
WHITE DUCKS -  Inside right waistband on back of watch pocket.
K.M.I. BELT - Inside in middle of belt.
WIND BREAKER AND WOOL JACKET - On tag in neck band. If tag has been removed another will be sewed on.
SHIRTS, white and grey ... Middle of collar band and on right shirt tail (front).SHOES Inside near top on right sideof both shoes.
BEDROOM SLIPPERS - Inside near top on right side on both slippers.
CROSS BELTS - On one end of each piece of belting.
WHITE GLOVES  -Inside at point where glove covers top of wrist.
OVERCOAT  -On lining one inch below collar chain.
COVERALLS  -One inch below collar.

112. The articles listed below will be marked with approved stamp at most convenient place:
Athletic Shirt, Laundry Bag, Sweat Shirt, Athletic Trousers,  Raincoat, Tennis Racket, Bathrobe, Sewing Kit, Tennis Shoes


113. Meetings of the corps, or class meetings, may be held at any time during release from quarters, with permission from the officer in charge, provided they do not extend recitation periods or call to

114. The senior cadet officer present in corps meetings, or the senior class officer, in class meetings, is responsible that no disorders occur, and that lights are extinguished upon the termination of the meeting.


115. When entering the mess hall each cadet will move directly to his own place and stand at attention behind his chair until the command "Seats" is given. Faculty officers, cadet officers, and non-commissioned officers are assigned as heads of tables and are charged with the maintenance of good order and with the supervision of table manners. The conduct of gentlemen is always expected in the mess hall.


116. Cadets will not mark public property. They will not alter or deface public property or use it for any unauthorized purpose.

117. Rifles left on the formation court or at other unauthorized places, will be considered as an act of gross carelessness and will be punished accordingly.

118. Cadets will be charged for all damage to public property which is not the result of fair wear and tear in service.


119. The punishments to which a cadet shall be liable, in addition to the number of demerits awarded for the offense, are as follows: Confinement to restricted limits, penalty tours, reprimand, reduction of officers, and noncommissioned officers, dismissal, and expulsion.

120. Punishment may be inflicted by the Commandant of cadets, and by a Board of Discipline, consisting of the President, the Commandant, the Assistant Commandant, and the P. M. S. & T.

121. Penalty tours will be served every afternoon after drill and on Mondays. Each tour will be fifty minutes' marching, with ten minutes' rest between consecutive tours.

122. A cadet in confinement is restricted to his room which he may leave only for the following purposes by reporting departure and return to the officer of the day:

( a ) To visit the hospital by authority or in emergency, no credit being given while absent.
( b ) To visit toilet for proper purpose.

123. Inspection for confinements will be made by the Officer of the Day once during each confinement.

124. "On Bounds" or "Yard Limits" (Kentucky) are defined as the area of barracks, tennis courts, and athletic field. They are that part of the campus between the yard gate and the north line of barracks. The main building, the gymnasium, and the academic building are included in yard limits.

125. "On Bounds" or "Yard Limits" (Florida) include the barracks, the tennis courts, the basketball court, and the area between the barracks and the Venice Hotel. Cadets in restricted limits are not permitted to cross Venice Avenue or enter any of the stores and shops in Venice.126. Cadets restricted to "Yard Limits," or "On Bounds" will report to the officer of the day at the guard room as follows:

Week days between 4:45 and 5:15 p. m.

Mondays between 10:00 and 10:30 a. m.

Mondays between 2:00 and 2:30 p. m.

Mondays between 4:00 and 4:30 p. m.

Mondays between 5:30 and 5:45 p. m.

127. The above requirements will not interfere with any official duty.


128. Cadets are permitted to have radios and television in quarters. They may be played under the following regulations:

( a ) They shall not be played during any class periods or study periods.
( b ) They shall not be played during general inspection.
( c ) They may be played during letter-writing period.
( d ) They may be played during any recreation period.
( e ) A cadet found playing his radio or television in violation of these regulations shall on the first violation, in addition to demerits, be required to store his radio or television for a period of two weeks; on the second violation a cadet's radio or television will be stored for a period of six weeks.


129. Cadets will not be permitted to remain in barracks during afternoon except cadets in confinement. Weather permitting, the barracks will be vacated thirty minutes after recall from drill.


( a ) Normally, the squad leader reports absentees of his squad to Platoon Sergeant.
( b ) The Platoon Sergeant reports these absentees and any absent guides to the 1st Sergeant.
(c) The 1st Sergeant reports these absentees to the Company Commander.
(d) The Company Commander reports the absence of any Lieutenants and the absentees reported by the 1st Sergeant to the Officer of the Day.
( e ) The Battalion Commander reports the absence of the Adjutant and any members of the Staff to the Officer of the Day.
(f) The Officer of the Day reports the absence of the Battalion Commander.
( g ) In case all the commissioned officers of a company are absent, the senior N. C. O. in charge of the company reports the absence of all commissioned officers and the absence of any non-commissioned officers senior to him who may be absent, in addition to making the report of absentees given to him by the Acting 1st Sergeant.
( h ) In any case, where a cadet is acting in a capacity higher than his normal rank, he will see that all absentees junior in rank and ranking up to the position for which he is substituting will be reported.

For Example - If Corporal Jones finds himself the senior cadet in a company he commands the company and reports all absentees in the company up to and including the company commander, as follows:
"Cadet Pvts. A. and B, Cadet Cpl. C, Cadet Sgts. D, E, F, G, Cadet Platoon Sgts, H. and I, Cadet 1st Sgt. L, Cadets Lts. M and N, Cadet Captain 0, absent, Sir."


131. The report "Right" from any regularly assigned occupant of a room at taps means that all occupants are present in the room, that no other persons are in the room, and that all occupants are undressed and properly in bed.

132. Loud yelling in making these reports is for• bidden.


133. Rooms in barracks will be arranged as prescribed by the Commandant.

134. Rooms will be thoroughly swept, beds, made; furniture, shelves and woodwork dusted, before police inspection each day. They will be kept ready for inspection at all times.

135. Floors, walls, woodwork - Keep the floor, walls and woodwork clean and free from stains, spots, dirt, scratches, and nails.

136. No trash shall be swept on the stoop, but will be taken up inside of rooms and placed in waste basket. Waste baskets will be placed on stoop in front of room door before assembly for inspection.

137. Rooms will be properly ventilated at all times. After taps, windows will be opened.

138. Room Orderlies-The occupants of each room shall alternate weekly, beginning Sunday morning, in the performance of Room Orderly. They shall be detailed by the ranking cadet officer. Card of Orderly In will be placed in right bracket on room door, as inspector faces door from stoop, card of Orderly Out in left bracket.

139. When an Orderly is absent or prevented by sickness from attending to his duty, the occupant present next for duty shall perform the duty of Orderly as if regularly assigned.

140. Each cadet will arrange his own bed, furniture and personal effects, will sweep the floor, dust and clean all woodwork and common property (table, mirror, basin, etc..). The Orderly Out is responsible for his own equipment and for the cleanliness of that portion of the stoop in front of his room at all times.

141. All uniform parts will be hung on hangers in closet.

142. Civilian clothes will not be kept in barracks.

143. No more than five cadets will be permitted to assemble in any room in the barracks without special permission extent 7 in 4-man rooms.


144. A senior is any cadet who has earned 111A units and is carrying a graduating schedule.  A senior who has failed in any subject during the previous report period is not entitled to Senior Leave.


145. Cadets who wish to go on sick report shall report to the surgeon at Sick Call.

146. Except in emergencies, cadets requiring medical attention at other times shall secure written permission from the O. C. or Commandant before reporting to the hospital.

147. Cadets who are on sick report, as excused drill or parade, will remain in quarters during the drill period and during parade on Sunday, unless other duties are assigned by the P. M. S. & T.

148. Cadets confined to their beds in the hospital will not be discharged from the hospital until Sick Call the following day. Sick permits are good for one day only unless marked "Special" by the surgeon or unless the cadet be placed in the hospital. All permits expire at Sick Call the following morning.

149. Cadets on sick permit and excused from any formations or duties are not allowed to participate in athletics except by permit from the Commandant.

150. Cadets excused ranks or formation by the surgeon will assemble in the sick squad for all routine formations. The sick squad will form at mess call company to enter the mess hall. A cadet officer properly assigned will have supervision of the sick squad.

151. A cadet in the sick squad will be considered late formation if not in his exact and proper place at the last note of assembly.


152. Smoking is permitted only by those cadets having written permission from their parents. Smoking is permitted in cadets rooms, wash rooms, the Dugout, and the senior house. Off the campus, cadets are not permitted to smoke in public.


153. During study hours the strictest quiet must be observed in barracks, and on stoops and stairways. Cadets required to move about in the performance of duty shall do so as quietly as possible. Any communication with the Officer of the Day must be made quietly.

154. No permissions will be granted during study period, except permission to visit sinks. This permission will carry a penalty of one demerit. Demerits will be awarded for asking for any other permission.

155. Cadets must have a thorough knowledge of all assignments and must have in their possession all articles of equipment necessary for study before assembly is sounded for study period.

156. Cadets in quarters who desire help with their studies will submit in writing request for same to the Officer in Charge before assembly for first study period or during recess before assembly for second study period. Faculty officers inspecting barracks during study periods will give help and arrange for help from other faculty officers.


157. Cadets will keep their uniforms repaired, pressed, neat and free from stains and spots. They will have all buttons and hooks securely sewed on and fastened. Coats will always be worn buttoned; caps will not be worn at an angle on the side or back of the head.

 158. The Commandant of Cadets or the P. M. S. & T. will decide when any article of a cadet's uniform is unserviceable, and when so decided, the cadet will be required to purchase another such article.

159. Cadets will wear the uniform prescribed for the day except during athletic period. During athletic period appropriate athletic clothing will be worn and no part of the uniform is considered athletic clothing.

160. Caps will be worn at all times when cadets appear outside of buildings.

161. Cadets must not appear in Ormsby Hall, unless in proper uniform.

162. Cadets must not appear in lobby of Venice Hotel unless in proper uniform.

163. Cadets participating in athletics will wear the costume appropriate to that activity.

164. Cadets will dress for athletics and take showers afterwards in the gymnasium.


165. During vacant class periods cadets are required to go to their quarters and remain in their rooms until the next school call or recall is sounded. Cadets will be reported late in quarters if they are not in their rooms with doors closed by the first note of assembly. During vacant class periods the ranking cadet on each floor is responsible for good order and for enforcing regulations governing vacant class periods. Cadets in quarters during vacant class periods may leave their rooms only for the following purposes.

( a ) To visit sinks (Occupants of No. 1 and 2 Barracks  -permission from O. D.; Occupants of      Gregg Hall, Fowler Hall and Annex-permission from Ranking Cadet.)
( b ) When ordered to report to any office or officer.
( c )To visit barber shop-reporting departure and return at Guard Room.
( d )To get mail during last half of third period.


166. Cadets shall not visit other cadets during any class period, study hall, call to quarters or between taps and revielle nor be absent from quarters during these times for any purpose without permission from the officer in charge.


167. Cadets will not invite or allow any civilians in barracks to visit, or sleep without permission from the President, the Commandant, or the officer in charge.

168. Cadets are not excused from formations when parents are visiting the campus, but they may fall out of ranks at the entrance to the chapel and be seated with their parents.

169. All disorders, neglects, or misbehavior of which cadets may be guilty, though not specifically mentioned in these regulations, are to be punished according to the nature and degree of the offense.

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